williamsjmPDX Member


  • I'll second the hips/glutes comment. I run a lot and if I'm not careful can experience knee pain that I self-diagnose as IT-band issues. AthleanX had recent video talking about the problem (link below). I've been consistent with the recommended exercises and and have had good success. Of course YMMV -…
  • I have that! My blood pressure is low and my resting heart rate is 55+-. I'm a fainter! If I get up too fast down I go. I have been for as long as I can remember - I'm 54 years old. I passed-out on an airplane twice in one flight - that was more than a little embarrassing. They hooked me up to oxygen. . . I've been to the…
  • If you want to get up in the morning - get up in the morning. I've gotten a lot of motivation from Jocko Willinik - https://youtu.be/67Vp7fTgQ3g
  • "You forgot about beer..." Came to say this! I'm No Sugar No Grain (NSNG) kinda-sorta. I went nuts on the kid's Valentine's Day brownies and had what, 5 or 6 beers last Sunday? But I'm a work in progress. It took me 50 years to get to where I am; it's gonna take me a few more to get to where I want to be. I'll share my…