- My waist is 28.5". It's not been under 29" since I was 17. And I'm 36 now! - Also did 10 x 3 sets of push ups today. Only ever been able to do 3 at a time before. My pathetic bench pressing this year has counted for something!
London, UK. Add me!
ADD ME PLEASE! I'm all about the CI<CO!
I can only recommend you work out at home as I did when I could only do so for free. All this talk about making yourself 'unattractive' is bull, as I'm sure most ladies can testify to - we'll all suffered street harrassment no matter what we were wearing at the time. You reminded me when I was at my Mum's in inner city…
Thanks so much!
Began BB yesterday, as a very affordable gym just opened up within walking distance of my home. I'm here so I don't go crazy on food and I'm looking for accountability pals! If someone could help me out on a substitute for the 45 degree hyper extension? My gym doesn't have the equipment. Will a Swiss ball reverse hyper do?