Jaydensmamma Member


  • I just started keto recently and so far I have lost a pound for every day Ive been on it. It definitely eorks so far. I have more energy as well. As far as eating what you want, you can still make breads and sweets you just have to know what to use but so far I barely miss my carbs and sweets. The main downside for me is…
  • Hey, love. I am so happy to see that you are taking the first step into a healthier lifestyle. You may add me if you wish. I am here to cheer you on! Lots of love your way in this difficult time, but you can do it!
  • Welcome! Good luck on your journey through fitness. Feel free to add me.
  • As far as fasting goes, my husband does the 16hrs fasting and 8hrs of eating. I personally strive for a minimum of 12hrs fasting so I eat my last meal around 9pm and do not eat again until at least 9am. This includes suppliments. Things like fish oil can break the fast so the only thing I intake during that time is water.
  • Im not sure on the differences in low carb but Im on keto and I try to stay, at the absolute highest, at 35g of carbs in total. So that is for sugars too. Like if I eat blueberries and they have 8g of sugar I count that in my carb intake. Ketosis is not difficult to get into (minus the keto flu) or to stay in if you're…
  • You can add me. I would be more than happy to share my experience with the diet and help you and/or warn you about a few things. It will be hard at the beginning but I would be more than happy to help you through it.