Treating myself to a hot chocolate after a cold walk finding new hills
It is cold and already getting dark at 4pm - but after reading your inspirational posts I am going to go for a walk. @Mrsbell8well I so loved the Aunt Helen quote - so I am off to do something I don’t want to but I know is good for me 😁
@xX_PhoenixRising_Xx what an amazing cake! Certainly not one of my strengths Was great to read your posts after my weekend wobble - today was a great day, ate well, no alcohol and even managed an hours walk after a long day at work Steps:12902 Week 1 checkin Weight: 107.8 kg which is up almost 1kg ahhh trying not to beat…
Ahhh husband’s birthday, dinners & drinks x last two nights, although I did manage to go for a walk today - but for the last three days haven’t logged a thing and have eaten more than I should and drank more than I should. Neighbourhood drinks and party tonight even. Brush off - start again, will probably regret weigh in…
@sleepymom5 yes it’s me from Down Under - my app for the HIIT workout is a myzone heart rate belt - it’s stupid how a colour aim on the belt will make me work harder. I do this thing called Coaching Zone at our gym - you get to see your rate on a big TV and will tell you what zone you are aiming for. I love it and still…
I am hugely dismayed and concerned for you all in the US - the rioting sounds very scary. We probably cannot appreciate what exactly it must be like here in Australia I think. I think this year has definitely taught all of us how important our family and health are. In saying all of that makes me wonder why I am even…
My workout today
2nd June marks the 2nd day of winter for us and it’s freezing!!! In saying that though I managed to keep it together today and even managed to do an online HIIT class today - despite freezing I still got a sweat up. Food was good, kept up water intake and did 10400 steps. I am loving reading all your posts but…
Hi everyone - thanks for adding me to the group. Need some inspiration and accountability. My name is Danielle, live in Australia been married 31 years and still going strong. I have been a nurse and am now a teacher. The walking definition of you can’t out-train a bad diet and chaos theory. Lost and put on but have always…