sarahchmielarz Member


  • My big goals are to get down to 175 lbs and to continue a healthy diet and exercise regimen even once I get there. In my head I break this down to every ounce lost is a step in the right direction. I don't really have any other true goals - I'm just trying to be healthier and live a longer, better life.
  • @MouseTmom A friend of mine posted a "test" on facebook the other day about using your hands, knees, etc,. to get up of the floor. You had to subtract a point for each "assist" you used and that number would indicate if you were healthy. I did NOT do well. Here's to subtracting fewer points as we progress!
  • @CassieBinTC I think a question of the week is great! I'm with most of the people here, I'm not really following a specific diet, just tracking what I'm eating to stay under my nutrition limits. I've also committed to a few other things that have helped in the past - making my own food for all meals, one cheat meal per…
  • It feels great to see that we're not alone on this journey! I hope everyone is having a good week. I have officially lost five pounds as of today and it feels really good and motivating. I hope that I can keep up this positive attitude. This weekend I'm going to start adding more activity and exercise into my schedule - I…
  • I messaged Cassie before joining as I have not quite hit 350, but I feel like my journey has so much more in common with you all than with someone trying to lose 25 pounds. So, here goes... I'm Sarah and I'm 36 (almost 37) and from Chicago. I started this year at my heaviest 315.5 and today I am at 312.1 (as I told Cassie…