BuckeyeYogi Member


  • I am particularly drawn to Latino/Hispanic women, probably because I grew up in that community in Southern Arizona. Otherwise, brunette/raven hair, beautiful eyes and smile, and confidence and a killer sense of humor! I am a big goofball after all!
  • Hi everyone! BuckeyeYogi from Ohio here. I’m down 13+ pounds so far in just over two months. Considering that was even with all the holiday eating, I’m pretty happy with that so far!
  • @CharLouu27 I’m right there with you! I have zero morning appetite and my biggest meals and snacking happens at night. Trying hard to slowly shift my calorie intake to earlier in the day!
  • Hi everyone! David here! I'm 49 years old but feel a lot younger in mind and spirit. Had my left knee scoped several years ago from a torn meniscus, and lost my mom and brother within a short period of time. The subsequent grieving, depression and sedentary lifestyle (first time in my life) packed on an extra 40+ pounds…