This is an inspiring article. It’s taken me awhile to lose a measly 2.5lbs... But I do feel like I can see some slight changes around the middle. I can’t wait until I can see a big difference!
Thank you!!
@kimny72 The simpler, the better! It definitely can’t hurt. Thanks for your advice.
Let me be clear. BY DEFINITION, NO, I AM NOT SKINNY FAT. But by my appearance, what people say of me, and what I look to myself, “skinny fat” sounds like a term to describe it. A term others have also related to as well. Maybe I should just start saying “a small woman with flab instead of ab”. I have been (trying) to do…
@The_Ta I think I fall in the “unfit skinny person” or the “normal weight person with nothing but flab”, unfortunately.
@yvonne_beavis You should feel pleased! Please don’t feel sad. For myself, I know 154 isn’t my healthiest weight. But I think that’s why losing weight is so hard for me. I’m comfortable where I’m at, and I don’t feel awfully out of shape. @LivingtheLeanDream I guess I have to learn patience. I’ve felt so discouraged at…
Early last year my BMI hit right at 30. Which, from my understanding, is the threshold into “obese”. I don’t feel that way but it was enough to tell me I needed to start watching what I eat and start exercising. Thanks for the advice, guys!
I started 2018 with that same goal in mind too. I’ve barely started... still can only do 2-5 successful push-ups... But I’m hoping I can do it! How long did it take you to smoothly perform 10+ since you started?