aelhussiny Member


  • Thanks for the advice. That's actually true about the calories. Me, personally (and that's just me, here), the small-changes attempt didn't really work for me. Because I was only changing something small, it didn't seem like a big deal to just ignore it one day, and then the next day, etc. And I'd end up right back where I…
  • Thanks a lot, Cat! Oh, and hey, added motivation with the money thing. Thank you!
  • Indeee I do!! I'm actually aiming to go to the gym 5 times a week (workdays), but I know that's not super realistic, at least at first. I figured it's better to aim for 5 and land at 4 than to aim at 3 and land at 1.
  • Thanks a lot, Jo! Just accepted you. I definitely agree that seeing everyone reach their goal will be so inspiring. *fingers crossed*