Spring came and went in Toronto in 1 day back to freezing my butt off. Think treadmill today as sidewalks are icy.
I am inspired and motivated by the show My 600 lb life. Sometimes it is sad but there is much determination and courage that I always hope for a happy ending.
You got this
Every time I train I am excited and scared. I run outside and am in Toronto where it has been very cold icy and snow. I’m running Vancouver May 6th marathon and working on a pb. I run by myself as early morning is my thing. Not so much a group runner but really wish I did as they are great support group.
Hi, how exciting for you
I put out my run gear night before and set alarm for 4:30 am so I can have a coffee and get out the door by 5. City streets are peaceful in the early morning. I have never regret coming back from a run but I have regret not going out for one.
How can I join
I’m training for my 3rd full marathon too. I really find I need more protein in my diet and this means tuna and fish and shakes. Happy training.