notsolittledebi Member


  • Hi, I would like to call myself an expert on cheap weddings, as mine cost about $200 including the license, and I didn't have to cut ANYTHING out entirely. Here are tips I used: Ask a friend to take pictures instead of a professional and don't get real flowers for ANYTHIG (except your bouquet if it's really important to…
  • I gained 80lbs and dropped about 35 after the first few months postpartum. I've tried many different diets, including only cutting 50 calories a day, and it STILL affects my production :/ taking even a 20 minute walk every day does too. Sadly, my baby refuses to take a bottle so I sold my pump since there was no point…
  • I have anxiety and depression. The anxiety makes me cry when I look in the mirror but the depression makes sure I have no motivation to do anything about it. Not to mention I have a baby and a big kid who wear me out and ensure I have no time to workout or even eat a decent meal. Let's not forget that I was anorexic before…
  • I confess, I sometimes blame my baby for me being overweight, but honestly it's my fault for eating like crap while pregnant and gaining 70lbs.