69JesusHentaiChrist69 Member


  • Yes, I never miss my lifting sessions. I used to lift 5x days a week but I've toned it down to 4 since I started following 5x5. Here's my program: -Workout A: Squat 5x5 (35KG) (40) (45) Bench Press 5x5 (30KG) (35) Barbell Row 5x5 (20KG) (25) Pullup 3x10 -Workout B: Squat 5x5 Overhead Press 5x5 (20KG) (25) Deadlift 1x5…
  • Generally, to get big and with definition. I'm still cutting until I reach a stage where I can safely bulk. I've tried bulking back when I weighed 73 KGs but I didn't see much success with it and my lifts didn't go up. I switched to Stronglifts 5x5 when I started cutting and now I'm here.
  • Quick question: If I switch from cutting to bulking, should I directly go into a caloric surplus or do I go into maintenance for a week or two first?
  • Almost done with my 1 year beginner program "Bigger Leaner Stronger" by Micheal Matthews. I plan on doing it again for 2019 but instead of cutting i'll be bulking instead. I did it mostly to maintain my muscles while losing fat, but I did seem to gain some muscle over time. I'm still relatively weak in all the big lifts,…
  • Sure it is! I've been eating around 4-6 eggs every day for a month now, healthy as ever!