I did look at scales today, and if they all seem fairly accurate I'll just grab one. I was just going to do some brand research since every bathroom scale I've used shows a different result every thirty seconds.
Oh man I've gotta face the music with the measuring tape x_x
I suppose part of my concern is that I also want to be eating enough to lose more fat than muscle, particularly since I'm doing workouts with weight training and strength training. I know I could handle going very low calorie, I'm just concerned it would set me back in the muscle department more than I'd like.
I probably should incorporate avocado in my diet somewhere, but at this point I think fats I'm getting from yolks and salad nuts would be enough. I did try keto, but it didn't work as well for me. I enjoy fruit too much.
I'm mostly going by serving sizes and 'rounding up' because I figure it's better to be under than over. I've used cups for measurement but I haven't weighed anything yet. Most of what I've been eating has been greens or packaged by weight, aside from the chicken. I can't even find a set of bathroom scales I trust to be…