strawber2016 Member


  • I can try and check in on Fridays. I haven't weigh myself either. A little scared what it would say! And weekends are my super bad time too. :sweat_smile:
  • Hi everyone!!! :smile: I am sorry I didn't get to check in on time. I failed. I was doing really good, but Jess is right. Don't quit cold turkey! I ate only healthy food every day for like four days. I couldn't do it! And I crashed! I binged on so much junk food on Day 5. And then I felt guilty. And then I quit this app…
  • Me too! I been gaining 5 pounds ever year for the past five years :'(
  • Hi everyone! I read your description and it seemed like a group I want to join. I'm new to this site so please forgive if I'm not doing something correctly. I really think a support group will increase my chance of success. My name is Shelley and I am 31 years old. I live on my own. No kids. I have terrible eating habits…