All about the rolls
I feel fat
Drink a beer
I like to throw rocks
I shaved my armpits
My hands smell like cookies
Cardio is not the best choice for weight loss. It's helps a bit with keeping your calories in check but will never be the key to weight loss. Calories burned during cardio is just the cherry on top. Cardio is great but don't be disappointed in the way it equates to calories burned
I'm always nice
I don't set any calorie goals. Too much work
gym is a place for people like me to shed the access fat...not watch people chew the fat
bring them big piece of cake
Why worry it's one meal. If you are worried order a salad
My favorite 2 slices whole wheat bread 2 table spoons peanut butter One big bowl cherios 1 banana 1 apple 4 eggs Chocolate milk Depending on day I change the fruit or have orange juice instead of chocolate milk
World peace
I get what your saying...I do...the bigger point I'm trying to make is if you eat more vegetables and fruits you will eat less garbage and will feel better! Yes I'm very over weight
Self checkouts
When I get picked last
Pulling out the scale to weigh an apple just seems ridiculous to me as the apple is the least of the dieters problem
Guess my point is eating too many vegetables and fruits isn't the problem with over weight people... it's the other things they eat...and if they were to eat a lot more vegetables and fruit they might not eat so much garbage
What would a Canadian say....
I cheat when I play monopoly