Thank you for your response! I have actually started a high fat-moderate protein-low carb diet since I posted this. My daily glocise readings are great every day. I’m hoping for a good lipid panel in April. I’m working out more as well. Thanks for the tips for informative books and the forum to look into. I appreciate it!
My doctor is one of those people. I’m not so sure I trust her anymore. She told me to eat 1 egg a week. I wonder if she went to Google Medical School? I’m still eating several eggs a week, so we’ll see how my next lipid panel looks. I’m working out and have raised my fiber intake as well.
That’s what I have heard and read, but so many people say that’s wrong. I’ll read the article. Thank you.
Thank you for a detailed response. I appreciate it!
Congratulations on your success and thank you!
Thanks! I guess next lab work should reveal the answer then.