racwalleye Member


  • It's not bad. Two different types of training can be great! It's not ideal but we aren't pro bodybuilders here lol. If your nutrition is really good I'd say keep it up!!! Just keep that protein intake high! If your overdoing it your body will tell you. You'll either get sick or start feeling really lethargic. Keep Killin…
  • Agreed. Lyle is indeed on top of the game. He is very well respected for many reasons. But as others said, he is brash. But so are lots of people. He likes to deal with those that aren't total beginners, he gets frustrated with simple questions easily. I'd say he's probably top 5 in the industry if not better.
  • Sorry for interrupting your thread. My bad. I wish you the best health and results possible! Rick
  • It's just a variation of it
  • Steady state vrs prolonged nutrient partitioning, steady state loses. And HIIT is fine for beginners. You don't just go balls to the wall. You can even walk and incorporate HIIT cardio. I can incorporate studies but unless you understand leptin/grehlin and other physiological hormones and how they react, we'll get nowhere…
  • You lost me at "weight loss". Why would anyone wanna lose fat and muscle? Fat loss is more appropriate. And pubmed, in regards to HIIT, is far superior to other forms of cardio. It's science! Anyhow, enjoy your day and bless you and yours! Rick
  • Diet is first. Make sure to get alot of lean proteins and healthy fats. Most of your carbs should come post workout. Use lots of veggies for side dishes, watch portion sizes too! As far as "toning", that's a weird term. I'm assuming you just want to lose a little fat? Regardless you need resistance in your training,…
  • Got it figured out! D'uh