noblsheep Member


  • And here I thought I could make money out of walking other people's dogs. :D
  • @skippygirlsmom Wow. You have my eternal awe and respect for how you handled that situation. Just glad it wasn't much worse, and wishing you a speedy recovery! (And now you've got one heck of a story to tell the grandkids.)
  • 0103-11.6k, total-11.6k goal-100k Today's run was difficult. Not sure why. HR was high from the start and never came down. When it went through 180 at 8km, I figured that any more thinking about pace was just going to be moot and focused on getting home in one piece. Currently sitting at home trying not to eat everything…
  • Happy New Year everybody! @TheMrWobbly Just joined the challenge! @ContraryMaryMary That sounds crazy. Glad your dad is doing well. Hope you get some rest. Sign me up for 100km in January.
  • Thanks for setting us up! @martaindale Thanks! @Tramboman @Scott6255 @skippygirlsmom @quilteryoyo Head on over once international travel kicks off again! :p No running this time, this trip was only a week long and i didn't think that would be enough time for altitude acclimation to happen (it wasn't), so I didn't bring any…
  • Hi all. Been AWOL since I headed to Tibet. And since I got back things have gone a bit bottoms up COVID-wise in Beijing. Working from home again this week. First things first. Let's see what I wrote in January.* Work out more consistently. Run 3 times a week, preferably. I need to get out of the mindset that "I need to do…
  • @quilteryoyo I'm so, so sorry to hear that. I'm not sure if this is the right time or place to talk about this - ignore me if it's not appropriate. In traditional Chinese culture, there's this thing called a "happy funeral" (Xi Sang), that's specially reserved for elderly folks who have enjoyed a long life and have a big…
  • Yes but 1000 miles is 1609 km.. that will probably drive you crazy too.
  • @swenson19d Elise4270 Wow long time no see! Have been thinking about you. Welcome back. Re: pie. A friend has been experimenting with baking for the past few months, and I've been one of her main guinea pigs/trash cans during the process. Been pied a handful of times. There was this one purple taro pie that was awesome.…
  • 1212-10.2k, total-28.2k goal-70k Today's run felt very very long for some reason. Probably because I was overdressed. Weather forecast has been yelling cold front all week. I went out and it was 2 degrees and sunny. Ah well, maybe tomorrow. Strange things I've seen while running. A large white rabbit just chilling out, by…
  • 1210-7.8k, total-18k goal-70k Was really hungry this morning during the run. Which was probably why I was so slow. It was cold and windy, so my nose was running quite a bit faster than I was. But I got it done, and felt better afterward than before, thus all good. @quilteryoyo That sounds tough. Hang in there, we're all…
  • 1207-5.2k, total-10.2k goal-70k Another shortish run in the morning. Was supposed to get 10km over the weekend but apparently that didn't happen. Welp. At least I'm doing something, which is better than nothing. The sun is coming out so late these days, I wasn't out until after 7:30 and still got treated to the nicest…
  • @mbaker566 Sorry about the car that nearly hit you. Some drivers are just hazards. Nearly got hit a couple of days ago too crossing the road. Dude was left turning and probably had no idea how to drive a van. I had to do a side step jump thing to get out of the way of his rear end. @quilteryoyo Will be chucking some…
  • 1202-5k, total-5k goal-70k It was pretty cold today - comfortably freezing was the term that came to mind around the 3km mark when my toes finally started feeling warm. I love this weather! Weather forecasts have -15C in the books for next week (that's around 5 degrees F) and I'm somewhere between excited and terrified.
  • Since June I've been doing lots. Mostly because it was summer and I'm a big wimp when it comes to hot weather. Three times a week, 70-90 minute sessions with a trainer (who is evil, but that's another story). I think it's had its benefits speed and stability wise, so if you've got time and inclination, just go for it. This!
  • Is it December already? Jeez. I'll be in Lhasa for a week so probably no running at that altitude - it's nearly 4000m in the city and last time I could barely handle talking and walking at the same time. Sign me up for 70km.
  • 8km in the evening. First run since it has gotten really cold in Beijing, it was 2 degrees and very windy. Spent the first 2km trying to remember how exactly I didn't freeze to death last year in these same clothes. Finished my Ekiden leg! (finally) @AlphaHowls Happy birthday!
  • 5km this morning. It was 7 degrees and raining, so spent some time digging around for gloves before could get going. It was pretty average as far as runs go, but enjoyed a faster last km without really trying. Planning on getting the Ekiden run done later this week. The air quality in Beijing went to the dogs after noon so…
  • It's in the Runkeeper app under Races, and I can see all of you. I also noticed the event is in Japan time (GMT+9), starting in another 3.5 hours, and will end far before midnight on the 22nd for most of the people in this thread. I'll pick up leg 4 (5km) now.
  • Hey all. No running for the past week, as life happened an awful lot. Only two days until the ASICS Ekiden and MFP team 3 still has 4 slots open... or me and @katharmonic will pick up three segment each LOL. Use this link here with passcode 0103 to join.
  • @ContraryMaryMary Huge congrats! Goal or no goal, a PR is still a massive achievement. @Avidkeo Really feeling for you. But, taking the long perspective, we're going to be here running for decades yet. Missing a year just means more fun for the next one.
  • 1101-6k, total-6k goal-80k Short run to kick off the month. Faster than expected. Had a gigantic coffee tasting session this morning, must've been all the extra caffeine...
  • Epic fail for October. Here's hoping that November will be better. Setting goal at 80km.
  • 1024-11k, total-37.6k goal-100k Nice long run last night. It was a little over 10 degrees, so long tights for the first time this season. All felt good. Recently I've been doing this change of perspective thinking exercise for when I'm lacking motivation. I imagine that I'm watching the back of my head and controlling my…
  • 1021-5k, total-26.6k goal-100k Legwork last night, really sore today. 5km to shake out a bit. Getting too cold for shorts. And I need to buy some new gloves. @polskagirl01 That sounds really cute! @skippygirlsmom @kgirlhart Getting up that early is brutal. Kudos on getting out there. @shanaber Congrats on getting to the…
  • 1018-11k, total-21.6k goal-100k Morning all. Early long-ish run in the park. There was a race going on in there called the Beijing Open Half Marathon Park Run (since we don't have the other Park Run in China I guess the name is free to be used as people like), complete with start and finish lines, aid stations, bibs,…
  • Congrats on the new job! Thanks for asking. The KT tape arrived today so a run is in the books for tomorrow. It's still a little bit wonky going up stairs but otherwise seems better. The "MFP Monthly Challenge Gang" (Group?) looks like it's full, so I set up a third group "MFP Monthly Challenge #3" password 0103 (use this…
  • Still no run. Did something funny to a hip flexor last night during HIIT. Wanted to just tape it up and keep going, but discovered I'd run out of KT tape and forgot to buy a new roll. So no running this morning. Can't tell how bad it is just yet. Will keep everybody posted. @katharmonic Welcome to the 645 club! Did you get…