Many researches have different amounts of proteins per day , but lets talk irl how much proteins does coaches recommend to their clients? they mutiply theri weight(KG) x 2
I find many coaches recommend to multiply weight to 2 with low fats , i just recommend but if someone can't afford the cost so he can lower the proteins
Ignore my post guys if you don't like it , i didn't post something wrong , if you want to use this app is okey btw iam using it but i wanted to share it with you , Have a nice day ❤
Nope , Ignore this post if you don't like it
haha right dude
Lol i didn't assumed every using this is ignorant, it's okey to use this , i know Good coaches are using this app , but i explain how does this come from ! Just to have some knowledge no more...and sorry if you missunderstood me ❤
Okey dude , but i explain how it comes Having knowledge is better than being ignorant ;)