mtews63 Member


  • I am 9 lbs from original goal. But my mini goal is to fit into the suit I bought 28 years ago just before my wedding. I figure I need to drop another 15lbs.
  • I have changed my diet and they have not. Now that you asked and I thought more about it. I eat a different diet than before at breakfast and lunch. Those are not eaten with her. Dinner we eat together. Same type diet as before. I tend to warm up after dinner.
  • I would say that yes I have changed my diet and she has not. Now that you asked that question and I thought about it. I eat my breakfast and lunch myself. That is where diet changes have taken place. We eat dinner together and I am warmer after dinner. We eat same as before for dinner.
  • I have two unexpected results. First is the fact that I seem to be cold. I wear a lot more sweatshirts. I live with someone who is always warm. Before I was too. Now I find I am cold and need an extra layer of clothes. Second is, not to take this to a bad place, as parts of my body are shrinking others parts seem to be…
  • Welcome Wanda. I have reached a plateau. I am seeking friends to keep me motivated as I fight through it. I agree though, we can do it. Just need to stay focused on the why?
  • I want to congratulate you. It is my son who has motivated me as well. I hope to be as successful as you. So many times I have tried but this time I am down 30 plus pounds and don't plan on going back.
  • I am 54. My motivation was missing out on a once in a lifetime opportunity with my son because I was over the weight limit.
  • Hi Becky,. I am Mark. My goal is 55 lbs. What I weighed when I got married. When I reach that I will reassess. I am down 35lbs. 20 to go. I am sort of stalled.
  • Hi,. My name is Mark. Iamm 54 years old. I've been on here about 8 months. I have lost 35 lbs. Original goal was 45. I have decided it is going so well to reset it to 55. That was the weight I was when I got married. The amount of time it takes me isn't as important as the final outcome. I would be interested to hear…