adammchristy2106 Member


  • Wednesday - 4, Thursday -3, due to no posts. Today is looking like I'll hit 4 if I get my water in. Can we count diet tonic water towards our goal? TGIF!
  • Keto is great, once you've adapted. It's difficult at first figuring out how to get enough fat into your diet, but in the end you just say yes to grass fed butter, coconut oil, olive oil, and cheese. Lots of great resources online and at the Cedar Rapids Public Library. I never experienced "Keto Flu", but I hear it can…
  • 4 points for yesterday's work! Came in under calorie goal, drank 148 oz. of water, strength training at the gym for an hour. Getting back into a routine is exactly what I needed. Who's joining the softball team?!
  • Meat, beans, eggs, and greens. Keeps shopping easy. I spice it up with some new veg every now and then.
  • Turns out I already had a myfitnesspal account set up. Guess I never used it! Tracked all food, activity, and water. I thought I ate too much, but the app told me I need eat more. Had a fun snow run, clocking in at 35 minutes, and 40 minutes of shoveling. Total H2O for the day was 100 oz. Ready to tackle day 2!