TheFlyOnTheWall Member


  • I hear ya! I was doing just fine, walking 5 miles a day...then I got the bright idea to try cardio with Fitness Blender on youtube - I did the easiest beginner one I could find - a whole 8 minutes or so, including warm up and cool down - and ended up pulling several muscles in my back If I ever heal, I've already made…
  • I used to do the deprivation thing - and it would work, for awhile...then the resentment would start, and then the anger, and then the "screw it, I'm not living like this!" so now I'm trying moderation - and so far, so good - slight resentment at not being able to eat as much chocolate/chips as I want, but it's much better…
  • I don't love it or hate it either, as someone else posted - I do it out of necessity. Initially I did it (walking 5 miles/day) so I could eat what I wanted and not gain weight, because for a long time I didn't care that I was fat, I just didn't want to get fatter. And it worked, and I was happy. But now I'm getting older,…
  • I walk around 8km a day - and 90% of the reason (ok, maybe 95%) is so I get more calories to eat, for the important stuff, like chocolate - because for me, a day without chocolate is a day without sunshine :p
  • I don't have a vivoactive, but I do have a forerunner 10 - and I've been having issues the past few days as well with garmin connect communicating with MFP, or vicey versey - seems one or the other is glitching
  • Hi - just an FYI if anyone is interested - I just had a peek at next week's Ontario Metro flyer and they have Halo Top advertised for $5.99 (flyer starts tomorrow, Mar 1)