It is slow but I dont mind, I like the process ;D And a little positivity in this discussion; You are enough and beautiful. And you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dont mind, the discussion title says "meet the person above" clearly you are a plant and not a person unless you are trying to catfish us. And I see plants almost everyday. so you are a no too (from me)
It would just be cringe, I dont know the girl (but if you got stuck in a gyms equipment I would help you; you welcome) ;D I take it back; of course i would
why does glue not become solid in its container??? #life
Chick Sexer
Ignore this comment
This is cringe
Well, now it is.
Okay, I got this; Forget about spa, sleepover and makeup. This an opportunity of a lifetime. I want to: make a company; a new microsoftware that everyone can reprogram and be like social media where you can follow a hot trend. After that; We sell the company to Apple or Microsoft for billions of dollars. Meet for the first…
Yes you did, it has been an insightful journey on this discussion (I usually take up a lot of space) and sometimes I have to leave. #life You seem great however "let not anyone destroy this thread" and kick out, everyone who should try Last Post Here From Me.... !?! _ ?
aha got one;D "I dont know?" dont worry I get your point, I will leave this discussion and never come back... ! #life
Of course I am;D ?
hmm, what makes a question a question? And can every sentence be a question if there is a "?" after???????????? ???????????????????
dannn, did it again 2 sec
Sometimes, It depends on the social group i am in.
Floccinaucinihilipilification boat
Does this end this discussion??????? Is there no more "ONLY QUESTIONS"????? And who actually believe that Star Wars is better than Star Trek?????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Dont worry guys I got this;D
No, up is relative to your geological position or relative to another person. So there is no general way up. #well we lost sorry guys
Loud pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis #Yes, it is a real word
Ahahah; All the way;D
Anything Has Ein (a) Jujus Effect ÆØÅ
Nothing; ohh wait, no calories anyway;D #hardgainer
"Don´t think you are better than anyone else" (#FromDenmark) my respons: "Well, I am"
"Looking for friends"; the stooory of my life. Feel free to add me too;D
If you miss one day, you miss every day. So focus always at the day you are at!