Thanks! And to everyone else. I just ate animal protein for the first time today in a very long time. Tasted freakin’ amazing but inflammation has come back as well as an axe to the face in my cardio times.. What gives?
How do you all feel cognitively? Any sharper, sluggish, alert, feel smarter..? I’ve heard people feel different in ketosis.
I feel the need to say I’m not fat I’m skinny as hell and fat loss isn’t the goal. Mental focus is, and health is, so doc and I decided on Keto. I’m 6 foot 6 180 pounds.
Thanks a lot. I wish the store was still open after reading that!
Well said! Thanks for the advice. I'd like to clarify that it'd be nice to gain some weight over time, but bulking fails in value in contrast to mental focus and capability considering my focus on school. I'd like to restore peak cognitive function to before the endured head traumas, as per the advice of my doctor.
I'm drawn to Keto for the psychological benefits of focusing in class among other things. More for mental capability, less for bulking. Keto is good for multiple concussions, which unfortunately I have endured. Doc advised me to go on it also. So trying to find some help here. Does anyone have any advice for bulk cooking,…