Torri1959 Member


  • Hello. Brand new this week, though is over a year after you both joined. Hopefully you are still using the food and fitness trackers and are closer to your goals.
  • Hello. I haven't seen much activity in this group for quite a while, but I'm hoping that people are still around and reading and ready to post. I am over 50, single, and over 100 lbs to lose. I am very unhealthy and have 2 grandchildren that I want to live them finish high school. Right now they are too young for school,…
  • Hello my name is Torri. I'm 58 years old and hate the clinical term for my body as obese is a terrible word. I'd prefer fat, cuddly, just about anything. I'm back on my diabetic meds as my blood sugar and weight has gone back up again. I have 5 bad discs, heel spur, total hip replacment on my right side and suffer from bad…