BelleRequin Member


  • 26 when I found out wheat and corn were big problems for me- not gluten, wheat. In terms of change, if I avoid those foods, I don’t suffer depression, asthma, cystic acne, GERD, or migraines. So it was a significant improvement. Doesn’t affect my weight at all though.
  • Cup is volume, but surprisingly, not so standardized. Grams is weight. But weight and volume are not interchangeable (except for water when metric). It can’t tell you what 2 cups is worth, because a variety of cooked foods lose moisture or volume. It doesn’t know how long you reduced a soup or sauce. A cup of spinach…
  • I love how quick it is to cook stuffed chicken breast. Separate tip- if you’re breading something to go in it, mix mayo with your egg wash. Improves the crunch factor significantly.
  • One of two ways: I pour it into my kitchen aid mixer bowl which is narrow at the bottom for ease on my scale, or into a bowl w volume measurements and do my portion by volume. (Eg- 4 cups of soup, then make it 4 servings if I’m going to have a cup)
  • Get your iron tested to see if it’s really an issue. Women w heavy periods are more at risk of anemia. Non-heme iron isn’t that absorbable, so even if there’s 20mcg of iron in your spinach, that doesn’t mean your body is getting 20mcg of iron. I’m anemic unless I take an iron supplement, even though I eat red meat…
  • The 20oz travel mug gets 1/4 cup of whipping cream and 1/4 cup of coffee cream, a few drops of hazelnut stevia, and fresh ground French pressed dark roast.
  • Low carb plant based takes work, but it can be done. When the doc said *more* plant based- was that more than your current eating habits, or just a general comment? Personally, I like 60f-27p-13c; but I have a family history of diabetes, and naturally do better on low carb, but don’t do well on keto (and while I eat a lot…
  • I don’t do ‘cheat meals’ or cheat days, because then I’m more likely to go overboard trying to make the cheating worth it. Most days I eat on plan. Once in a while, for specific social get togethers, I say to hell with the plan and eat wheatever I feel like eating, and then try to enter what I think I ate without caring…
  • I too weigh the whole recipe and then portion out. I’ve got ten 291g servings of bison veggie soup in my freezer. When I make buns or pretzels, the weight of the raw dough is the same for every one.
  • Single, spent yesterday making 2 different soups, and grilling chicken and steak. I actually prefer to cook alone, as other people do silly things like overcook chicken, don’t use enough salt, or try to chop veggies with a pairing knife- or worse, a steak knife. I have two significant food intolerances, so I rarely eat out…
  • Are there any you like? Are you trying to increase for the micronutrients or the fibre? Depending on the macros you want, you might be able to get many of the micros from fruit and fibre from nuts/seeds. There's a lot of vegetables I don't like. But I do love bell peppers, onions, tomatoes and carrots- they go in a soup…
  • What did you buy, and why do you want to meal prep? Classic meal prep never worked for me (eat the same thing for 4 days? Not a chance). So now my 'meal prep' is just a matter of batch cooking meat and then vacuum sealing and freezing in individual portions. I can reheat the meat in about a minute, then add whatever sides…
  • I love auto sleep. I have a series 2, and find it only takes about 40 min to completely charge, so I usually either charge it before I go to sleep, or if I'm relaxing on the couch after work for a bit.
  • I go by my Apple Watch, but admittedly, it’s usually within 10 cals of my 10 year old treamill’s number 🤷‍♀️
  • Have you really had your iron checked, and have you, not just your doctor/endocrinologist looked at it? (because low iron does affect thyroid). Being 'low' but in the normal range can still significantly affect your health, and ability to lose weight.