sstuart5 Member


  • I can tell you have this down to an art form! If I take your approach to it and see it as a bunch of data points to form a linear line and research cause and effect on the daily, that would be a lot more beneficial then just seeing it as a single data point with broad reasonings. (Ex. I've been going to the gym more, so I…
  • I never thought of it that way! Paying more attention on the daily and seeing how what I ate affected THAT day. I have always approach it as a "check in." Thanks!
  • I would love to go by percentages (body fat/muscle/etc) because I know the scale is "just a number" and doesn't really paint an accurate picture of what's going on. But I don't have a way to measure that.. yet! Plus, I know right now, I'm concentrating on getting to the gym to do cardio and what I put into my body vs…
  • Working toward that vegan life! I cut out meat in November (except fish/seafood). And working to cut out dairy next. Even cheese ☹️ this week will hopefully be my last week with dairy since this is my last week using the blue apron meal service. They love putting cheese, butter, and heavy cream into the recipe to make it…
  • Do you lift? Muscle burns so much fat! Try incorporating weightlifting (or even body weight stuff) into your routine. that calorie intake seems ridiculously low and very unhealthy for the amount of exercise you're doing. Your body may be retaining fat because you are depriving it so much. Eat an appropriate amount of…