BMI is an ambiguous and vague measure, your unnecessarily obfiscating a crystal clear point.
BMI has its shortcomings. While BMI can provide an accurate snapshot of weight trends across a population, it can also be inaccurate for certain individuals. Bodybuilders, for example, are often classified as overweight or obese because muscle is denser than fat and they tend to have more muscle than other people. Because…
This thread has received a lot of attention. We all know women should weigh less but often weigh more. That's the whole problem hence the controversy because everyone is trying to be politically correct and add variables to unnecsssarily complicate my simple question. It's good to see younger girls nowerdays hitting the…
Slimming to sell dresses
I still think an average woman should weigh less than an average man, unless pregnant. The rest are excuses I think.