kaighgurl9 Member


  • @Lesscookies1 I have been counting calories strictly for 5 weeks now. @DevilsFan1 I am only eating 1,500 calories per day..... I am not sure how much less I can eat... I work out every day.
  • @Lesscookies1 I eat yogurt in the morning (weighed) along with a protein bar and half a banana, chicken which is from the dining hall nutrition website, and broccoli. Sometimes I'll eat an ounce or two of eggs. That's about it. and I occasionally eat peanut butter with jelly. And string cheese. I don't have much to weigh.
  • @Marilyn0924 @quiksylver296 I eat in a dining hall and I eat chicken, which they have the nutrition on online, and I eat broccoli, which I can eyeball the size of. My yogurt is weighed and everything else I eat is prepackaged so I know its size.
  • @MichelleSilverleaf I have been at this for over a month now. I have always eaten healthy, but I have been doing a hard calorie count for five weeks. I have gained about a pound since mid-January.