Chris3414 Member


  • Exercised?: Yes - 58 active minutes Calories?: Yes Tracked?: Yes Pass used: 1/3
  • Back to work today after two weeks off :( Exercised?: Yes - 30mns walking to work. Will need to make an effort to go to the gym during lunch Calories?: Yes - did some meal prep on Sunday which makes things a bit easier Tracked?: Yes Pass days: 1/3
  • Exercised?: Yes - 30mns Calories?: Yes Tracked?: Yes Pass days: 1/3
  • Agreed that starting to weigh everything is a real eye opener. I had no idea how much more than "one serving" I was helping myself to until I started weighing absolutely everything. It drives my partner mad when we are cooking because he doesn't care so much about portion control, but I can't do without it. Exercised?: Yes…
  • Exercised?: Yes - 51 active minutes (mainly walking my dog) Calories?: No - it's my partner's birthday on Sunday and to celebrate we went out with his family, including for dessert and drinks so things got a bit out of hand :( ah well Tracked?: Yes Pass day: 1/3
  • Exercised?: Yes - 57 active minutes Calories?: Yes Tracked?: Yes
  • Hi everyone, I'm new to this and really hope I can stick with the challenge for the whole month and build some good habits :) Exercised 20 mns? Yes - 93 active mns Within calorie budget? Yes Tracked everything I ate and drank? - Yes