357girl Member


  • Welcome! You can do this! Stick to Keto and don't look back - it will help you reach your goal! I agree with kpk54 - the hunger and craving control on Keto is wonderfully freeing. I started Keto due to health reasons - I have multiple autoimmune diseases - and when my mom died at the end of December I was eating everything…
  • Hey Melissa, you look great! Did you follow a particular Keto diet? I just started two weeks ago, generally following Ruled.me. I love to cook so I've modified recipes to things I enjoy while (mostly) maintaining my macros. I'm down 10 pounds, looking to lose at least 10 more. I think the last 10 will take some time, I…
  • It sounds like the change is that you're trying to hit that protein number. I've read that a good portion (I don't know the percent off the top of my head) of protein is metabolized into glucose when digested. Maybe the extra protein is too much? I've been on Keto for two weeks and I can't get anywhere near the recommended…
  • I'm practicing mindful eating and mindful Keto :smile: . I just started Keto and am trying to be mindful about how each new thing I try makes me feel so I can keep track of what to keep on the menu and what to toss. I'm also trying to add meditation to my routine.
  • Thanks for bringing this topic up. I've been on Keto for two weeks now, so not looking to change at the moment, but this puts another tool in my pocket. I appreciate y'all (no stigma if you're not living in the south!) sharing your knowledge!
  • That's fantastic! I'm loving it, too, though I'm still new... I'm ready to clean out my old baking books - I don't ever want to go back.
  • This group got quiet... How's everyone doing?? My first week had me down 7.5 pounds... I weigh in again on Sunday.
  • Hi all, in my later 40's and looking to feel better as well as shed around 20 pounds. I'm on day 13 of Keto and was down 7.5 pounds in the first week. I feel pretty good, no keto flu symptoms at all. I just started exercising again this week and am excited about this new beginning. Best of luck to all and feel free to add…
  • Not sure if anyone mentioned it, but Dr. Perlmutter, author of Grain Brain, might have information on his website.
  • I can make gluten free just about anything. I'm also celiac and have been GF since 2005. My tiramisu and cannolis are pretty fantastic, though I'll never have them again LOL! I'm on day 12 of Keto and have no cravings or desire to go back.
  • So I did some research and found this: https://www.healthfulpursuit.com/2017/06/5-caffeine-free-rfl-recipes/ I also found a suggestion of making a hot milk drink without coffee. I like ginger and vanilla so I'm wondering if I made a really strong ginger "tea" by steeping a lot of ginger hot water and blending it with some…
  • Hi I've been on keto for 8 days, down 7.5 pounds and feeling pretty good! I've been checking in on the forums because connecting with other people is helping to keep me on track.
  • My ratios are similar, 70% fat, 25% protein, 5% carbs (I'm trying to keep to 15g carbs). I did read somewhere, though, that as your body is getting used to burning fat for fuel that you might have a weight gain periodically. Be sure to check your body measurements, especially if you're working out. You might be going down…
    in Help Comment by 357girl March 2018
  • I'm on day 7 and down 7.5 pounds. I'm not feeling "great" yet, but I am feeling pretty good. I'm sure part of that is grief because I lost my mom at the end of the year and keto has helped quite a bit with how I feel. My primary goal is to feel better and have energy/clarity. SW: 139 CW: 131.5 GW: 120
  • Ruled.me has a calculator and the bacon butter cookbook has a url of keto-calculator.ankerl.com in it. I haven't gone there, though
  • Hi Jamie! Welcome to Keto. I'm on day 7, started with 20 lbs to lose and am down 7.5 the first week and an inch all around. I don't think that's supposed to be usual, but I was already pretty low carb before I started. I would suggest the ruled.me website for lots of information and check out posts on keto flu. Lots of…
  • I drink a cup of ancient nutrision's collagen bone broth, pure (it's beef flavored) with 1/4 tsp sea salt and 1/4 tsp morton's lite salt and I haven't had any flu symptoms. I do feel a little weaker than usual, but otherwise feel okay. Morton's lite salt has 350mg potassium and 290 mg sodium in a 1/4 tsp. I also take…
  • I like ruled.me for Keto information. I also read marksdailyapple.com, the guy who came up with Primal Blueprint. He's extremely knowledgeable about nutrition and nutrients. Every time I read something on his site, I do my own research and he's spot on. Long, long ago he developed the supplements for the P90X program, then…
  • Do drink lots of water and try collagen bone broth with a little added sea salt and morton's lite salt (it has potassium) to help with keto flu. It's helped me so that I don't feel bad.
  • Check out ruled.me. (I swear, I'm not affiliated! I've been following it a few months before deciding to go Keto and there is a lot of great information there).
  • Ruled.me has a calculator that I found helpful to figure out what your macros should be.
  • I just started this week and am waiting to weigh in on Sunday - wish me luck!
  • Hi All, I'm in my Mid-40s and started Keto this week. Like drmarctagon, I'm using MFP to track my macros. I'm currently dealing with an achilles injury so trying to do yoga for activity. I'm feeling good on Keto and hoping it helps with weight loss. Best wishes to all on your MFP journeys!
  • I just started Keto 4 days ago. I agree with cpplink - ruled.me is an excellent resource. I've been trolling that site for awhile and decided to go for it. I've been drinking collagen bone broth and adding sea salt and morton's lite salt to keep from getting "keto flu" and it's worked. I have felt good since day 1. The key…