gizel_b Member


  • How long did it take you to lose 130 lbs?
  • TorontoDiane, good luck. Once you get on your meds you’ll start noticing a huge difference. At least I did. Keep us posted yes on your prescription if you don’t mind and progress.
  • Reemore23 and Curiousgp; well pretty much your thyroid gland controls all of the hormones that all of your organs are reliant on. The three main side effects are fatigue weight gain and slow metabolism. I’m on Levothyroxine 50 mg. Mild cardio about 30 min 3 days a week with more focus on resistance training with emphasis…
  • Glad to connect with someone in the same boat. Feel free to reply or message me with any questions. I’ve had it since 1/2013, lost 85 lbs but gained 30 back