carnabee Member


  • Yay! Looks great B)
  • Amazing work, well done! I would also recommend using a Couch to 5k app. I couldn't run at all when I started, but it builds up so gradually. Good luck in your continued journey.
  • Hello from Warwickshire, England! I have a 6 and 2 year old. I've lost around 35 lbs and am currently trying to maintain, but finding it surprisingly difficult so far! Recently started running, currently on week 7 of Couch 2 5k. Hoping to be a positive role model for my family :)
  • The unexpected positive effect on my family, no nagging, just trying to be a good role model! My six year old son has actually started asking for a piece of fruit as a snack and asks to come running with me...this time last year I couldn't even run around our back garden with him. My husband has also lost weight and…