mlhopp93 Member


  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 (9/1/2020) Weigh in day Saturday SW (6/26/2021): 259.2 7/3/2021: 258.8 (-0.4) 7/10/2021: 258.8 (0.0) 7/17/2021: 259.0 (+0.2) 7/24/2021: 7/31/2021:
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 (9/1/2020) Weigh in day Saturday SW (6/26/2021): 259.2 7/3/2021: 258.8 (-0.4) 7/10/2021: 258.8 (0.0) 7/17/2021: 7/24/2021: 7/31/2021: No gain, no loss. Need 3.8 pounds to get to 100 lost since 9/1/2020. I need to be mad at those 3.8 pounds -- :) Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 (9/1/2020) Weigh in day Saturday SW (6/26/2021): 259.2 7/3/2021: 258.8 (-0.4) 7/10/2021: 7/17/2021: 7/24/2021: 7/31/2021:
  • 6/26/2021 weigh in. 259.2. Camping with Cub Scouts. Lots of steps and no time for mindless eating.
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 (9/1/2020) Weigh in day Saturday SW (5/29/2021): 259.2 6/5/2021: 261.0 (+1.8) (missed weigh in) 6/12/2021: 259.2 (-1.8) 6/19/2021: 262.4 (+3.2) 6/26/2021: The rollercoaster of life and weigh ins continues. This feels more like fluid retention with a few questionable choices Friday evening. Back at it…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 (9/1/2020) Weigh in day Saturday SW (5/29/2021): 259.2 6/5/2021: 261.0 (+1.8) (missed weigh in) 6/12/2021: 259.2 (-1.8) 6/19/2021: 6/26/2021:
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 (9/1/2020) Weigh in day Saturday SW (5/1/2021): 263.6 5/8/2021: 259.2 (-4.4) 5/15/2021: 260.4 (+1.2) 5/22/2021: 261.0 (+0.6) 5/29/2021: 259.2 (-1.2) In my battle for losing 62 pounds starting last Saturday, I knocked out 1.2 this week. 59.3 pounds to get under 200. Although I've had success by losing 95…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (5/1/2021): 263.6 5/8/2021: 259.2 (-4.4) 5/15/2021: 260.4 (+1.2) 5/22/2021: 261.0 (+0.6) 5/29/2021: Just stuck in a cycle -- about a 2 pound cycle for 2 months. Need a win next week to keep me on the path. Not unhappy where I am but that is part of my problem. I need to get mad…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (5/1/2021): 263.6 5/8/2021: 259.2 (-4.4) 5/15/2021: 260.4 (+1.2) 5/22/2021: 5/29/2021: Another see-saw week. This week I'm focusing on writing my feelings each morning instead of eating them. Just a couple of times per day I'm eating something from stress/boredom instead of…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (5/1/2021): 263.6 5/8/2021: 259.2 (-4.4) 5/15/2021: 5/22/2021: 5/29/2021: Lost the weight this week I gained the week before. Now to focus this week on continuing to lose instead of the yo-yo effect and the plateau I've been stuck at for a couple of months in the 260 range. Need…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (3/27/2021): 260.6 4/3/2021: 259.8 (-0.8) 4/10/2021: 262.8 (+3.0) 4/17/2021: 260.2 (-2.6) 4/24/2021: 259.2 (-1.0) 5/1/2021: 263.6 (+4.4) So I look behind me and I see the wheels that just completely fell off this week. Went back to old habits of stress eating, boredom eating,…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (3/27/2021): 260.6 4/3/2021: 259.8 (-0.8) 4/10/2021: 262.8 (+3.0) 4/17/2021: 260.2 (-2.6) 4/24/2021: 259.2 (-1.0) 5/1/2021: Happy Friday all. Posting a day early as my sons and I are heading out camping this evening. Might rain tomorrow during our camping trip but always a good…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (3/27/2021): 260.6 4/3/2021: 259.8 (-0.8) 4/10/2021: 262.8 (+3.0) 4/17/2021: 260.2 (-2.6) 4/24/2021: 5/1/2021: Got rid of most of my prior week gain and feeling better this week. Got my 2nd Pfizer shot and only side effect was a sore arm. Very thankful for the opportunity to be…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (3/27/2021): 260.6 4/3/2021: 259.8 (-0.8) 4/10/2021: 262.8 (+3.0) 4/17/2021: 4/24/2021: 5/1/2021: First gain week this year. Coming off spring break I tried an experiment to not weigh daily. I've read a lot on both the positives and negatives of daily weigh ins and thought I'd…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (3/27/2021): 260.6 4/3/2021: 259.8 (-0.8) 4/10/2021: 4/17/2021: 4/24/2021: 5/1/2021: Made it through spring break week with a small loss. Managed to sneak past my 95 pound loss since my heaviest and off to a good start for April. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (2/27/2021): 265.4 3/6/2021: 264.2 (-1.2) 3/13/2021: 263.6 (-0.6) 3/20/2021: 262.4 (-1.2) 3/27/2021: 260.6 (-1.8) Happy Saturday -- Good way to end the month with a 1.8 lb loss this week. 4.8 for the month is less than Jan and Feb but a number I like. On spring break with the…
  • How are you feeling after the shot? I hope you're feeling normal aside of a sore arm! @katmary71 -- no side effects from the shot. I've heard shot #2 for Pfizer is more likely to cause discomfort but still better than having covid from what friends who've dealt with it have told me. Hope no one else has any negative…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (2/27/2021): 265.4 3/6/2021: 264.2 (-1.2) 3/13/2021: 263.6 (-0.6) 3/20/2021: 262.4 (-1.2) 3/27/2021: Good Saturday morning to everyone. Continuing my slow march down the scale. Definitely the tortoise not the hare and that is just fine with me. More likely to keep it off in the…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (2/27/2021): 265.4 3/6/2021: 264.2 (-1.2) 3/13/2021: 263.6 (-0.6) 3/20/2021: 3/27/2021: Small loss is better than small gain :) Resetting and refocusing this week. Getting a little sloppy with tracking and only had 5 of 7 days meeting step goal. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (2/27/2021): 265.4 3/6/2021: 264.2 (-1.2) 3/13/2021: 3/20/2021: 3/27/2021: Made it to 90 pounds lost since my heaviest. Setting my sights on 255 which will get me to 100 pounds down. Working through my closet to get rid of "too big for me" clothes. Historically I've kept three…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (130/2021): 277.6 2/6/2021: 275.0 (-2.6) 2/13/2021: 271.0 (-4.0) 2/20/2021: 268.6 (-2.4) 2/27/2021: 265.4 (-3.2) Almost made it to 90 pounds lost since my heaviest -- missed by 0.4. Able to stay focused on eating choices each day and getting in all my fluids. I can definitely…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (130/2021): 277.6 2/6/2021: 275.0 (-2.6) 2/13/2021: 271.0 (-4.0) 2/20/2021: 268.6 (-2.4) 2/27/2021: Lots of snow shoveling in the Midwest this week. Good exercise. Still no outside walking because of cold and snow but managed to keep up with my steps goal and hit 10k 6 out of 7…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (130/2021): 277.6 2/6/2021: 275.0 (-2.6) 2/13/2021: 271.0 (-4.0) 2/20/2021: 2/27/2021: Still cold in the Midwest and supposed to get colder. Did manage to get 6 out of 7 days with 10k+ steps with lots of treadmill time. Spring will be here soon. Building time into my day for…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (130/2021): 277.6 2/6/2021: 275.0 (-2.6) 2/13/2021: 2/20/2021: 2/27/2021: Outside walks have been curtailed until it gets a little warmer but keeping up with steps goal on the treadmill. Definitely rather be outside but not at 10 degrees :) Adding in more dumbbell work is helping…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (1/2/2021): 291.6 1/9/2021: 288.0 (-3.6) 1/16/2021: 284.0 (-4.0) 1/23/2021: 277.8 (-6.2) 1/30/2021: 277.6 (-0.2) Definitely felt the slingshot effect of a solid weight loss the previous week. The body is amazing in that it will do its own thing even when we give it the same…
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 Weigh in day Saturday SW (1/2/2021): 291.6 1/9/2021: 288.0 (-3.6) 1/16/2021: 284.0 (-4.0) 1/23/2021: 277.8 (-6.2) 1/30/2021: Riding a good wave right now. Found the right mix of food choices, water intake, cardio and weights for my body to decide it's ok to give up a few lbs. Big thing for me is after a…
  • Got out and walked in the snow today (no accumulation but still snowing) for 45 minutes. Focusing on walking fast enough to get my heart rate above 125 bpm. Even though it was cold it felt good to finish and I like outside walking compared to the treadmill. Hope everyone has a great week this week.
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 SW (1/2/2021): 291.6 1/9/2021: 288.0 1/16/2021: 284.0 1/23/2021: 1/30/2021: Amazing how a little focus on my part on food choices and exercise translates on the scale. Adding in moderate weight lifting to my cardio work this upcoming week and continued focus on diet. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
  • mlhopp93 HW -- 355 SW (1/2/2021): 291.6 1/9/2021: 288.0 1/16/2021: 1/23/2021: 1/30/2021: Good start to 2021 from a weight perspective. Reached 10k steps 5 of 7 days. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
  • Good morning all Starting weight check in for January 2nd (Saturday checkin) mlhopp93 Heaviest Weight 355.0 Starting/Current Weight 291.6 Looking forward to a great 2021 with all of you