blazewilder Member


  • Sure thing! Eating problems are never healthy, and I'm happy to support you in your endeavor :) That reminds me: it'd be great to know how I can keep my diary open (:
  • Agreed, the journey to lose weight can be a tough one when you seem not to make any progress. At least you have lost quite a lot of weight at some points. For me, I've been gaining weight steadily all my life, with a whopping 25 pound increase last year! :( I'll be your friend, and we'll cheer each other on! (:
  • Same with Robert, I don't know how to friend request on here. But I'll be glad to support you, even though I'm entirely new on MFP.
  • Hi Sydney, You really amaze me with your weight loss feat! :smiley: I will kindly support you along the way, and I would love to get support from you since I gained 25 pounds last year. You must know the ways to lose pounds, and I'm open to know them. ~blazewilder
  • Hello Shannon, I'm so glad to meet you. I'm learning this app too, so maybe we can help each other figure things out, haha. Wishing you the best in your health journey! ~blazewilder