Mx6goatgirl Member


  • Hello there! Total noob here. Where do I start? I'll be 49 on 11th March, (Mother's Day!) I'm 5' 4" been a bit overweight most of my life. I was athletic once, for about a year in my early thirties, had a baby when I was 38 and due to the shock of this I was about 8.5 stone (54kg-ish) just after having my daughter. Then I…
  • Hello! I'll be 49 on Mother's Day. Can I tag along? Been dieting since 2nd week in Jan and lost about 8kg. Username "Mx6goatgirl".
  • Hello there! Total noob here. Where do I start? I'll be 49 on 11th March, I'm 5' 4" been a bit overweight most of my life. I was athletic once, for about a year in my early thirties, had a baby when I was 38 and due to the shock of this I was about 8.5 stone (54kg-ish) just after having my daughter. Then I gave up smoking…