Laneybird, check out Dr. Gustin pod cast "The Keto Answers". He is a big fan of IF and the info he gives is from a biochemistry based stand point.
Wow. I was just having this very discussion with a functional medicine doctor friend of mine. The long and short is that Keto has shown to regulate hormones and return them to “normal” levels after extended use of the diet. That said it does take time as (like the post above mentioned) we have a ton of excess hormones…
Tazzy, At 145 lb and 34% BF the fat is equal to 50lbs of fat. In order to get down to 30% BF, you need to lose 6lbs of fat. Not water, not muscle mass, just the fat. Which isn't always easy on the front end of Keto as it is not protein sparring until you are fat adapted. That said once you lose the 6lb you either need to…
Also for some good info listen to Dr Gustin pod cast. Your question is not a simple yes or no. Factor such as training level, amount of protein synthesis the body is performing, etc all play a role in how your protein intake is utilized.
I have done extensive n=1 research on this subject after I felt my results were getting hindered. For ME personally the type of protein matter even more than the amount. I can eat an 18 oz steak (over 100 gr) and have no affect. Yet I can consume 60gr of high quality whey isolate and create a insulin spike(probably due to…
George, I have been doing Keto and lifting for the last 7 months, and have actually made great gains in the gym all while dropping fat. Here is what I have been doing lately to combat sluggish workouts. ---- Pre-workout drink includes whey concentrate (not isolate as the fast acting spiked my insulin levels too quickly) or…
Check out the info and macro calculator over on, as it shows you can maintain and even gain lean muscle mass on keto.
h4power, What if any, are you doing for exercise? What is the reasoning for the huge calorie deficit? While Keto metabolically is protein scavenging (meaning generally it will not break down muscle if using fat as a fuel source), it does take some time before becoming fat adapted in order to do so. That said once fat…
One of the users mentioned an app called "Happy Scale". It uses a moving average (as I am sure do others), but has an "advanced lag compensation" feature that uses a double-exponential moving average. While this makes progress look a little slow on the front end of a diet (while dropping initial water weight) and can show…