wuggo Member


  • You just lapped everyone that was on the couch Keep it up
  • I know how you feel. I am very close to my goal of 50 lbs. Ive been down this road before I will not kick the scale under the sink for the next year im weighing in every friday. Losing weight is almost the easy part. Keeping it off not so much. My mantra has been "3months from now you will thank yourself" good luck
  • 3 months from now you will thank yourself. I started march 12th and that was my mantra. I am 35 lbs down. Good luck!
  • I started on March 12th wanting to lose 50 lbs. I saw a quote on line "IN 3 MONTHS YOU WILL THANK YOURSELF" this has been my mantra while im working out or passing up the donuts at work. I am down 35 pounds so far. Short term goals have really helped me. Good luck