Thanks for all your replies! I think I'll see how I look and feel at my first 2 milestones and take it from there. Thanks!
I've been slowly getting back into the gym - going once or twice a week. My gym membership allows me to bring 4 friends across the month so I've been going with my boyfriend and my sisters. I usually do cardio like a 30 min bike ride but on Sunday I tried to mix it up with 10 minutes on the Stair-climber and 20 mins of…
I've got a curvier figure, with a bum and hips on me but I carry a lot of my weight in my lower tummy which I hate. When I first started losing weight I was classified as being overweight based on my BMI but through the weight that I've lost so far I've managed to get into that healthy range category. I think I'm daunted…
Interesting read! Thanks for posting :smile:
Just updated my fitness profile and it's allotted me 1670 calories a day. I feel so spoilt ahaha. I'll try this for a week or two and see how it goes :smile:
Thanks for the replies everyone! Yeah i think i'm going to do that and try and go to the gym more to try and aid the process. I'll see how it goes :) Thank for you advice!