amberbarry1 Member


  • 1) went from not being able to do the elliptical for 2 minutes, to doing it 40 minutes yesterday (span of a month) 2) bought size 12 jeans a month ago and now they won't stay up. 3) Didn't miss a single day of exercising at least 30 minutes at the gym last month I "only" lost 7 pounds last month but I can tell with my…
  • I have PCOS. unmedicated. Just stopped eating so much sugar and carbs. gotta break the PCOS cycle. it gets better after awhile of eating better. SW: 230 CW: 189 GW: 130
  • I have a charge 2 which has been necessary because I use the heartrate data for exercising.
  • i snack on sunflower seeds because it takes me 3 hours to eat ~110 cals.