d_hakman Member


  • June 23, 2019 New to Group - My story - I've developed the mind set of it's okay being just okay, thus gained 20 lbs. Change my mind set and changing my life. Thanks for the add. With 8 days left of June 2019: Setting my goal for 30 miles June 23- June 24- June 25- June 26- June 27- June 28- June 29- June 30- Excited by…
  • Round 81 (first round for me) - Target 2.0 lbs Start weight 157.7 lbs Current weight 157.7 lbs Goal weight 130 lbs My goal 135 by 9/21/2019 I’m starting one day late, very thankful for challenge. Day/Weight/Comment 06/22 - NA 06/23 - 157.7 06/24 - 06/25 06/26 06/27 06/28 06/29 06/30 07/01