So what do you use it for?
I agree with all who mention water weight loss. You will gain it all back once you rehydrate
Use it just to run in.
Tupac and anything from 90’s even 80’s R&b, listen to it all however I’m feeling that day. Also depends on the weather. Lol
Sometimes depends lol
For a million dollars lol
I would take a couple days of rest and let your body recover. Need to shock your body every once in a while. Your body could be retaining what I can because of your extreme workouts. Relax take it slow
Couldn’t say
Not sure
In the past I was eating a lot more fast food and soda due to my busy schedule. The biggest change now is preparing healthy meals and sticking to my workouts. Also in the past I would just eat once a day but a very unhealthy meal along with a lot of coffee, redbulls and Starbucks. I cut all that out completely. I would…
Just not a huge eater or I don’t eat 3 times a day. I usually just eat two meals a day with protein shakes in between. Sometimes I only eat once day with my son and I fry to catch up on sleep instead of eating. I believe with my days being so busy I just don’t pay attention to much on eating healthy
I have always been active but not as serious and active as now. Last time at this weight was high school. Thanks for info I will look into it
I dot have a goal weight just want to lose and build muscle. I more trying to achieve a better looking body lean and muscular. Not sure on my weight goal. I know I need to cut more weight based on how I look now.
I’m 5’7 40years old. Honestly I started getting serious around December. Started small runs in September and have just been getting better and more dedicated
And in summer I have my son from 9am to 7pm. I have to work overtime single dad and bills need to be paid and I won’t stay broke. I need that money to enjoy my life with my son and not be trapped in a cycle being a bad father.
Another issue i have is when my days start and end. I work grave so I’m up all night and don’t sleep till about 9am to 2 pm that’s all the sleep I get. When I work overtime I get home at 1pm work out for an hour till 2 pick my son up at 2:20pm and I have him till 7pm in which we do boxing, jujitsu homework and eat dinner.…
I will open my food log need to figure out how to do this. I’m new just figuring things out
Yes it seems that I’m losing slower now but I do have the stubborn belly fat which I have read that it’s the hardest to lose
Thanks for your input, I have been prepping my meals during weekends for my son and I using a scale. As far as weight loss not sure how much I was losing at first it just seems that I hit a bit of a road block during the let 3-4 weeks.