brocktoon666 Member


  • Back at it and successful more than ever. Intermittent fasting 16:8 every day has done wonders so far. I’m not counting calories as much but just being mindful of my eating window which restricts a lot of intake. Additional benefits: more energy, minimal stomach issues, sleeping better, clothes fitting better again.
  • All right then, post progress here tips anything to help motivate invalidate the choice of our goals.
  • That’s really great to hear. Let’s do it right this time especially before winter hits and gives us a lot of excuses not to do anything. Further, I have been using psyllium fiber there’s a supplement and have had great results so far, it helps with hunger cravings, and shedding excess weight.
  • Today was way better, walked 4 miles and was under caloric budget.
  • All lies, didn’t work out and ate cookies! Argh why did I do that?!
  • Ok, back on track. This time it’s for real. Counted my last calorie for the evening. And in 3 hours will be getting on the bike for 1 whole hour.
  • Ok back at it again. Lost about 5 lbs then gained it right back and just had a vacation where I surfeited. Time to get back on the wagon.
  • Ok now I am on the valley of my ups and downs, down to 180.5lbs. Now how to keep it low? I’ll try lots of water today.
  • It’s been another week, and I run about seven out of the last 10 days. Still going back-and-forth about 4 pounds, not really losing it, so I think now what I need to do is have a deficit of calories at least 1000 a day.
  • Running still at least 500 calories a day. Somehow gaining weight but hopefully that’s muscle. I feel better at least and clothes fit better now, but I feel like I am going in circles.
  • Thanks a lot! Upped it to one more mile yesterday and hope to get more in today. I have noticed that my stomach symptoms have vanished. Movement is essential!
  • 6 days of running in a row, it’s my b’day today so I get the day off to gorge a bit, then first thing tomorrow back on track. Cheers all!
  • Back on track. I am on my fifth day of running in a row, 3 days straight with at least 500 calories burned and adding intensity intervals in my last two runs. Feeing food and sleeping better, eating has been a bit better too and have had bigger net deficits than usual. So I am happy with this new momentum. Hope all is well…
  • How is everyone? Anyone successful? Been back and forth but cannot seem to shake these pounds off, it’s incredibly discouraging. I may try intermittent fasting and/or upping my fruit and vegetable intake for lunch.
  • Back at it. Went for a run last night and incorporating yoga into my routine. Diet wise I am sticking to mostly vegetables before 6pm. And even so, maybe fish for dinner.
  • In China for two weeks, let’s see if an eastern diet has any effect. I will be walking a lot and fortunately there are gyms here so I can keep up my strength training. But it will be hard to login and track food since I will not know the names of them, or their calorie content unless it’s packaged. Cheers all and keep up…
  • Feeling totally exhausted today from lifting yesterday, little sleep, and totally hungry but have staved off bad decisions so far today and have kept carbs at a minimum. I am going to hop on the bike or something to at least get moving, once I eat dinner I will gorge a bit.
  • Weight has gone up but I am confident it is muscle and water retention since I am in the full swing of a lifting routine again. Stomach fat has decreased for sure. Kicked off this morning with squats, bench, planking, and deadlifts. Feeling good!
  • Lifted three times this week doing a 5x5 program with compound movements. Great to have a lot of pain relief from working muscles. And also seeing some muscle definition.
  • Good for you @PeaceQT18! I had my 3rd or 4th lifting session last night. Doing a 5x5 routine and making progress. Not as achy as I was before lifting. Hope to start seeing muscle definition and my clothes fitting better although I expect some weight gain from water for a week or two. I am going to bike or run between…
  • Ok, had a good today yesterday. Lifted weights this morning and got some walking in. Ate light for lunch and will have a salad with chicken for dinner. I feel like I am back on track. Let’s do this!
  • thanks for posting and keeping the thread going!
  • Ok, back again. Put back on some weight unfortunately so it’s time to bounce back with renewed vigor. I want to eat even less and start running and lifting more. At least 1 exercise activity a day.
  • Had a trip to Boston which derailed my momentum a bit, so I am taking a few days off from tracking. Though I got about 25 miles of walking in so all wasn’t totally lost. Will resume running and moderation today but just don’t feel like logging in. See you soon.
  • All threadwatchers feel free to friend me and post updates.
  • Good afternoon all. Hope you are making progess no matter how small or incremental. Had a pretty light lunch today with cucumbers and hummus to start with s chicken salad sub. Actually putting my yogurt on hold since I wasn’t hungry for it. That’s a rarity for me since I usually eat all food I pack. I will try to get…
  • It’s not so bad! It rained a little yesterday and it was chilly but I made 3.5 miles happen. Today I got 2 in. We got this!
  • @mz144 put on some heavy clothes and get outside. I’m going to now because the last two days of running I feel refreshed and relaxed, and it’s easy to meet calorie goals. I had the best sleep in about 2 months last night. Because at this age, I am seeing dieting isn’t enough. Movement is essential.
  • Good to see the scale at 7.5 lbs less and progress is made.
  • At least 3.5 miles of running with another 1 or so in walking. I am jump starting this week with this perfect weather.