I am hearing you girl, I have 100% care of a three year old and I stufy full time at uni.. This on top of trying to keep on top of housework and going to the gym.. No time to enjoy my non existent social life and alot of opportunity to eat the wrong things because they make. Me feel good...
My son is three and I've gone way past a mum tum 😂 this kid messed up my metabolism somehow 👍 add me if you like :smiley:
When I had my appraisal at the gym the woman told me that when you under eat your body starts to store fat.. I was given an ideal daily calorie goal based on my body fat %, weight, height etc... It had a fancy name which I can't remember
Add me if you like :) anyone and everyone
I've also cut down to just special occasions since new years... Thought there seem to be more occasions when I don't want there to be any 😂 I am no longer drinking every night though 👍 though it is pretty disappointing giving up my nightly bourbon after dealing with uni and a three year old all day... and then not even…
I feel you completely Hun.. I had two parties to go to last week which involved alot of cocktails.. The day after was when I binged on junk.. Then my son and I got a cold and then came the binge eating to make myself feel better, then the guilt eating because I hadn't gone to the gym and I ate too much... It's such a tough…
Current weight is 102 kg.. I am wanting to lose at least 20kg. I have stopped drinking everyday Am calorie counting and going to the gym 3/4 times a week.. Will weigh myself in about 5 weeks at my next appraisal Please add me! I'd love more people on my feed x
just realised this post is 3 years old hahaha
Would love some more friends! :) feel free to add me