Then again, there are a lot of guys who don't. Please don't judge all of us by the actions of some.
61 here, I'd love to have a friend request or two!
Done that twice, to no avail.
Yes, absolutely.
Thank you!
Nope. Same username and password, double checked.
On the desktop.
Absolutely, yes, please! I can't seem to upload a profile picture this time around (New account after the data breach).
I'd love to have a new friend or two. I'm barely out of my 50's (61) but think I still fit. I apologize for the lack of a profile photo...I can't seem to get one to upload.
I'm a senior. Not a gal, but certainly could use a new friend or two!
I'm a senior. Not a gal, but certainly could use a new friend or two!
Born in Tennessee, home has been Indianapolis for a number of years now!