staleysj487 Member


  • People often gain weight after quitting smoking because the nicotine cravings are interpreted by the brain in a similar manner to how hunger is interpreted. This means that often times, people who have just quit smoking are tricked into thinking they are hungry when in reality it is just their body craving nicotine, and…
  • Go read Allen Carr's book 'How to Quit Smoking the Easy Way'. It comes in audio books too, if you are not the type to read. It is hands down the best book I have ever purchased, because it worked. I smoked my very last cigarette while reading the book over 3 years ago, and have never once had a craving or desire to smoke…
  • Thank you! I was totally shocked over the triglycerides! I agree I still need to work on my HDL. I started taking fish oil hoping that would help, but more effort is needed there for sure! Do you suggest longer cardio workouts or adding in more cardio days than strengthening? I have typically been doing 30-45 minutes…
  • That is some awesome progress too! Great work!
  • I was definitely a skeptic over Whole30 at first but I am officially a believer now. Just know it's not meant to be sustainable beyond the 30 days, and weight loss should not be the primary goal. I suggest starting an exercise regimen a month or 2 before starting Whole30 so you aren't introducing multiple major changes to…