GoldenAgeAdmirer Member


  • Yes @staticsplit, I spotted that doctrinal fanaticism and refusal to acknowledge alternative valid viewpoints, no matter how qualified the person expressing them. It’s no problem, I have no desire to post in a close-minded (and wrong) group. Your loss!
  • Just found out what ‘Woo’ means on MFP. Gets used a lot, so obviously my opinions not wanted in this forum. Bye.
  • First, what you are looking for is the holy grail btw. It’s brutally hard to achieve... good luck! You’ll most likely find the answer in your diet/nutrition. Calories are all very well, but you’ll probably need to fiddle with your macros, to find a solution that works in the unique biochemistry and hormonal mix of your own…
  • Your initial questions tells me you haven't done anywhere near enough research, and don't even have the beginning of a model that will allow you to achieve your goals. To answer your question, yes, at 3500 calories a day, and with your starting stats, you will gain weight. It will mainly be fat though, and you will look…
  • 1. In a serious calorific deficit your body will cannibalise itself, including your muscles, to meet energy requirements. Building muscle is simply not a priority when survival is threatened. 2. DOMS means you have challenged your muscles in a way they are not prepared for. It may or may not indicate you are building…
  • There are no alternatives to squats and deadlifts. They are bodybuilding fundamentals. Sorry.
  • I hate to deliver the ‘bad’ news, but at 4 month’s training you are still very much a beginner. Expecting massive results like 1lb per week is simply unrealistic. This is a *long term* project and if you gain a genuine 10lbs a year you are doing outstandingly well! Have patience, stick to a (any) program, and tune in your…
  • Nutrition is 85% of bodybuilding. Lots of approaches are viable, I have found, for me, the ‘Slow-Carb’ diet to be the easiest to comply with. First introduced/popularized by Tim Ferris in ‘the four hour body’. Keto also great for endomorphs, but not so easy to keep long term...
  • Best site I’ve ever read on lean bulking is Martin Berkhan’s ‘Leangains’ He was the first and best to create the intermittent fasting approach to lean bulking and explain the science behind it in layman’s terms.
  • Been lifting since I was 9. Tried pretty much everything in my time. Admire the physiques from the 1950s to 1970s - the Golden Age!