I lost a lot of people from my life when I developed anorexia because of my anxiety and personal life problems. They saw my poor coping skills as a reflection on what I thought about their bodies. If they were actually decent people, they would have recognized I was struggling like anyone else and been good friends. Fat…
A “body positive” therapist told me I looked like a flat-chested little boy. A fat activist friend (who I know had BED because we binged together more than once) told me I was triggering and she couldn’t be my friend anymore. I was told CPS would be called on me because I was too thin (and they were). I had some women…
Therapy. ‘Cause you’re a hot mama and it isn’t anything remotely having to deal with what your body actually looks like that is making you feel this way. I totally relate- and I can see it in you put not in me.