I have lost 8lbs in 27 days from IF. Some progress made but not quite as much as I would like.. Yes fruit will break your fast. Reason being, it has natural sugar so your body will release insulin which is what you're trying to avoid while fasting. You can only have unsweetend iced tea, coffee without cream or sugar…
we can get our eating habits under control. We gotta keep each other accountable for sure and just acknowledge what we're doing! We got this!
I watched a few YouTube videos about it. It was pretty educating!
I'm going to try IF. Fast for 20hrs and only give myself a 4hr eating window from 4pm-8pm. Wish me luck! I'll let you know I do tonight!
Saaame! It's so bad! I was so close to being under my calorie count and then ate another taco in bed 10 minutes ago(it's 10pm in NE) and had to add it to my diary. Each bite I took I thought about how I shouldn't be eating this and how weak I am. But it tastes so damn good. This is a daily occurrence.. the struggle is real.