The thread was revived by the OP, who finally got around to trying an unfrosted, buttered Pop Tart after more than a year, and got the answer to their original question "Why do they exist?" - apparently they exist because they're delicious with butter. Now I have to go and try Pop Tarts with butter. Sounds really good,…
I've been using this one for over 5 years, for baking and food-weighing. It has a 17-pound capacity, and works very well. It is accurate down to 1-gram increments.
Oh, it's definitely, 100% cheating! But the end result is amazing, and far tastier than you would guess from a tin of pork-n-beans. I add chopped-up cooked bacon to the beans mixture as well, not just on top (and skip the bell pepper, but that's just my personal preference). Mmm. Now I'm hungry! I've tried making baked…
Pioneer Woman's overdone "folksiness" annoys me, but her recipe for baked beans is actually delicious. I have made it many times, and have not found another recipe that measures up.
I read an analysis somewhere (sorry, can't find it right now to give my sourcing) that would explain the lessening heights over time. Apparently the 5'4" is an average height for *all* women, regardless of race. White women had an average height of about 5'7", and black and Latina women were considerably shorter on average…
And besides which, the OP said "housemate", not "roommate". So it works on either side of the pond.
Odd foods: Kæstur hákarl... an Icelandic delicacy that's basically fermented shark meat. Smells like a cross between cat pee (due to the ammonia content) and fish. It's made from a type of shark that is poisonous when fresh, but becomes "edible" after having rotted for several months. Somebody really had to be starving and…
If any Heathens/Asatruar run across this group, please send me a friend request (and mention that you saw this post so that I know why). It would be great to meet some likeminded people on this app. Hoping that there are still some Heathens reading this board!
The A1C is a test that gives a reading for blood glucose levels averaged over 2 to 3 months. There's no way that anyone could change their A1C significantly in just 10 days - any results would include the prior 50-80 days in the calculation (in addition to those 10 days). It just isn't a large enough percentage of the…