mshidfar2018 Member


  • eat more often but in small quantity.dont hurry you ve already gained two pounds so you re body s getting stronger after surgery .count your calorie intake making sure you re in calorie surplus.check if you can properly digest a food by consuming only a certain food at a time each day and closely observe if you can…
  • that s about 0.5 kg every week which is ideal.don t give too much thinking to scale ,thats only a number. keep up the constant effort doing workouts and keeping your calirie dificit , don t be in hurry to loose weight too fast so you don t risk loosing your muscles alongside. so you re doing great just keep it up
  • eating same food 2 or 3 times a day makes it easier to know how much you re eating without too much calculation .
  • give more time to your legs so they can heal properly,focus on you calorie deficit , meanwhile do more upper body workout ,forget jogging because most people have issues doing it too often, you can simply walk in the swimming pool to recondition your legs for walking , dont compare yourself to everyone you see ,may be they…
  • lift weight ,put yourself in 100 to 500 calorie surplus, eat 2 gram protein per kg of your weight ,but still avoid junk food and have complex carbohydrate like whole wheat and oat and healthy fat like olive oil in you diet ,don t forget to rest enough after workouts ,be consistent ,it takes time
  • you should not be in hurry if you want to bulk up mainly with muscle and not fat. lift weights ,rest enough ,have 2 gram of protein per day ,be in calirie surplus (from 100 too 500) but you still should be eating healty food like complex carbohydrates and vegetables not plain sugar and unhealthy fats
  • make a 500 calorie deficit and be continuous with it (it can be lower than 500 if you are not in hurry), lift some weight , eat enough protein (around 2 gram per kg) eat enough complex carbohydrates (whole meal) ,avoid plain sugar and unhealthy fat ,do some cardio like brisk walking , sleep enough (at least 8 hours a day)…
  • they say you can loose some of your muscles if you loose weight too fast
  • calorie count is the main parameter for managing weight .but keep in mind if your daily diet calorie is in check but it consist of sugary food it gets very hard to follow the diet .so free version is enough if you choose wisely what food you are eating. protein,complex carbohydrates,fibers,healthy fats ,vitamines and…
  • some people say follow 80-20 rule ,80% of your daily diet healthy and the rest can be what ever you wish .too much restricting only cause every one to stop eating clean . besides cheat days are allowed once a week
  • keep lifting weights , make calorie deficit in your diet ,add cardio to your workout
  • walking is safer .brisk walking is great for losing weight if your diet is in check too.